Thursday, 31 May 2012

Resarch on muscles of the vocal folds

OK so for the last week I have been looking at the muscles related to the vocal folds and controlling Their movement and tension. The movement is very complex  involving 6 muscles to get their movement. they are called the intrinsic muscels and they move the artenoid cartilages to adjust the tension and shape of the vocal folds.

 The Tranverse arytenoid attaches to the arytenoid cartilage that controls the the adduction of the vocal folds and draws them together closing the opening.

The lateral cicroarytenoids attatches the arytenoid cartilage to the thyroid cartilage and when tighten it then tightens moves the folds closer together, aiding the movement of the Tranverse arytenoid

 The movement of the posterior cricoarytenoids move the vocal folds apart, the opposite to the movement of the Tranverse arytenoid and the lateral cicroarytenoids.

 The vocalis and thyroarytenoids control the shortening and therefore the loosening of the vocal folds.

and the cricothyroids tighten the vocal folds by moving the artenoid cartilage away from the thyroid cartilage and tightens the vocal chords.

Due to the complexity of these muscles I have simplified the muscles movement of the folds as it would be far too difficult to produce during this assignment.

The webiste I used for the images on this post is   I found the site quite helpful for my research

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